Egyptian sun symbolism 911:Occult symbolism II Sun


  • Various notes:
    • The true essence of the Sun symbolism is its representation of primordial intellect, the manifestation of universal (cosmic, omnipresent) consciousness which transcends space-time and energy. The Human process of harmonizing with this force is called: at-onement, illumination or enlightenment. Atonement of a select group of their own initiated members and the awareness control of the 'profane' are the core of the activities of these dark priesthood societies - ancient and modern.
    • Symbol of sexual fertility, gives life to plants, animals, humans. In ancient Canaan the sun-god Baal was worshiped as a fertility deity.
    • The Sun is also a symbol of immortality or reincarnation. Just as the sun rises and sets each day, some people believe that you may die and then rise again.
    • See also: Plasma cosmos, Solar deity, Sun cross, Phoenix.
    • "For most people "Zion" is the name for Jerusalem as well as for the nation of Israel (Isis-Ra-El). More specifically "Sion" is the name given to a hill of Judea on which the city of Jerusalem is built. In reality, the name "Zion" refers to "Sion", meaning "Sun". Therefore the name "Zionism" is actually referring to the sun-cult, the Babylon cult, and f.i. relates to secret societies like the "Priore de Sion" or "Priory of Sion", which lost some of its secrecy because of the fact that the Rennes le Chateau mystery became so popular among certain circles. The Priory of Sion is a secret society created around the Merovingian bloodline (whose ancestors can be traced back to the royals of Sumer, Troy and the Greek "Gods") and related to the Templars as well as the Illuminati." It's particularly because of the true meaning of "Zion", that Jerusalem's hill has been named that way. As for the sun-cult adepts, hills symbolize the way to get closer to their God, due to the fact that at the top of them one is closer to the sun, symbolizing their God. Hence "mount Sion" or "Sun mountain"." [28]
  • See also:
    • Berlin Gold Hat ("It is generally assumed that the hats served as the insignia of deities or priests in the context of a sun cult that appears to have been widespread in Central Europe at the time. The hats are also suggested to have served astronomical/calendrical functions")
    • "Pagan sunworship and Catholocism"
    • video: "A Clockwork Orange", from the title to the end its filled with occult sun symbolism.
    • Solar symbol

Egyptian sun symbolism

  • Various notes:
    • "The Egyptians had different names for the sun in its different stages: The sun was called "Atum" at dusk, "Osiris" at night, "Khepri" at dawn and "Ra" at noon." [29], [30]

Native sun symbolism


Masonic sun symbolism

Catholic sun symbolism

Christian sun symbolism

Sun logos

Sun logos with radiating rays:

Sun logos as an orb:

Sun logos as an astrological sign:

Sun in U.S. State seals:

Sun in name

  • Corporations with the word Sun (or its semantic variations) in their name:

Sun gear

  • In Masonic organizations:

  • In Nazism:

  • In Communism:

  • In Zionism:

  • Various:

Sun flag

  • Various notes:
    • Note that many flags of nations prominently display a central pentagram star as an abstracted reference to Sun symbolism, instead of a direct/clearer Sun reference.

Sun gate

  • Sun gate symbolism in logos:


  • Torch logo's:

  • Non-logo torches:

  • This torch sits above the underpass bridge in Paris France, where Princess Diana was killed on August 31 1997.

  • The Eternal Flame is used on the graves of prominent assassinated world leaders


  • Various notes:
    • "The rooster is a universal solar symbol because its crowing announces the dawn. In India, it is the attribute of Skandha, personification of solar energy. In Japan, its crowing, associated with the songs of the gods, lured Amaterasu, Goddess of the Sun, out of the cave where she had been hiding, corresponding to the manifestation of Light." ... "In Greek tradition Velchanos the Cretan rooster-god was assimilated to Zeus. A rooster was standing beside Leto, pregnant by Zeus, when she gave birth to Apollo and Artemis. Thus the rooster is dedicated to solar gods as well as to lunar goddesses. Moreover, the rooster is the specific attribute of Apollo. A rooster was ritually sacrificed to Asclepios, son of Apollo and god of medicine, because the bird heralded the soul of the dead that it was to guide to the Otherworld. Asclepios is also the god who, by his healing powers, brought the dead back to life on earth. This is precisely the reason why the rooster was also the emblem of Attis, the oriental Sun-God, who died and came to life again. This also explains why the rooster is attributed to Hermes, the messenger who travels the three levels of the cosmos. The rooster, along with the hound and the horse, is among the animals offered in sacrifice in the funeral rites of the ancient Germans. In Norse traditions, the rooster is symbol of soldierly vigilance, posted on the topmost branches of the ash Yggdrasil to warn the gods when the giants, their foes, are preparing to attack. When the bird is set on church spires, it assumes the role of protector and guardian of life. It is also an emblem of Christ, like the eagle and the lamb, symbol of Light and resurrection. In the Book of Job, the rooster is the symbol of God-given intelligence while the ibis is the symbol of wisdom. The Talmud makes the rooster a master of courtesy because it heralds his Lord the Sun with its crowing. In Islam, the rooster enjoys a particular veneration. The Prophet himself asserts that the white rooster is his friend because it announces the presence of the Angel. Moreover, the Prophet is said to prohibit cursing the rooster, which calls to prayer." [31]
    • "The rooster is a frequent motif in Maltese idioms: the bird itself is most commonly described as prideful (mkabbar bih innifsu) and arrogant (ġellied)" [32]
  • Nergal
    • The word Ner-Gal divides into two parts: "Ner" signifies light, or luminary, etc., and "gal" signifies to roll, revolve, a revolution, a circuit, the two together implies the revolving or returning light. If this be truly descriptive of Nergal, there is nothing improbable in considering the rooster as allusive to it, since the vigilance of the rooster is well known, and that he gives due notice of the very earliest reappearance of light, morning after morning. There are different senses in which light may be taken, besides its reference to natural light: 1) Deliverance from any singular danger, or distress. Esther 8:6. 2) Posterity; a son, or successor. 1 Kings 11:36; 2 Chron. 21:7. 3) Resurrection, or something very like it. Job 33:28, 30; Psalm 97:11." (...) "NERGAL, the name of a solar deity in Babylonia, the main seat of whose cult was at Kutha or Cuthah, represented by the mound of Tell-Ibrahim. The importance of Kutha as a religious and at one time also as a political centre led to his surviving the tendency to concentrate the various sun-cults of Babylonia in Shamash (q.v.). He becomes, however, the representative of a certain phase only of the sun and not of the sun as a whole. Portrayed in hymns and myths as a god of war and pestilence, there can be little doubt that Nergal represents the sun of noontime [8] and of the summer solstice which brings destruction to mankind." [33]

Winged Sun

Wings of Horus

  • Various notes:
    • See also: Bird symbolism.

  • Company logo's:


Various sun symbolism

Black Sun

  • Various notes:
    • "There is a persistent belief in alchemaic and hermetic tradition in the existence of two suns: a hidden one of pure "philosophical gold," consisting of the essential Fire conjoined with aether, and the apparent one of profane "material gold." The "dark, consuming fire" of the material sun leads to its being called the "Dark" or "Black Sun." [34]
    • To research:
      • "Our solar system in a binary system (we have two stars, not one). We have the Sun and it's twin, which is a brown dwarf star (a star that flamed out). The brown dwarf star emits no light, thus the name the Black Sun. You can't see it unless you can see the infrared radiation that it gives off. That's the real Black Sun, the other is Saturn, but is really just a stand in to hide the secret of our binary solar system. The brown dwarf star is know as the "destroyer", it's orbit takes it in and out of the Oort cloud dislodging a billion or so comets and meteors each time and some of those make it to Earth setting the stage for the extinction of virtually all living things. This orbit repeats, allegedly, every 26 million years. From the occult perspective, the Black Sun represents occult knowledge, those things which are hidden - secret knowledge. Things about nature, the universe, history, etc." [35]
      • Examples of inactive/dead suns: Saturn?
      • Examples of invisible suns: Milky Way Galactic Center sun? Sirius system?
        • See also the false/misleading gravitational/non-electric mainstream astronomy notion of the Black hole and dark matter.
  • Logo's:

  • Non-logo's:
  • Nazi black sun:
    • "Heinrich Himmler had reorganized the SS as a black-magic Order of Knights (Order of the Silver Star, see also: Argenteum Astrum) after the pattern of the Jesuits or even the Illuminati order. The SS had taken over some very special magic rites from the freemasons, but some rituals were taken straight from the Knights Templar. SS members wore carefully designed black uniforms featuring an old magic symbol - silver skulls. The symbols were also found on magic rings. This was suggested by Himmler's personal magician, the SS Brigadenfuhrer Karl Maria Wiligut (1866-1946), who was also known under the alias K. M. Weisthor (Nicholas Goodrick- Clarke, "The Occult Roots of Nazism", St Petersburg, 1993, p. 197). In 1924-1927, Wiligut had been treated in a mental hospital in Salzburg. The double S, or sun runes, resembled two lightning bolts. The leadership demanded very high standards of its members. SS officially stood for 'Schutzstaffeln' (guard corps), but the real meaning was Schwarze Sonne - the black sun. Himmler was the grand master. The SS headquarters were at Wewelsburg castle in Westphalia (north-western Germany), which Himmler bought as a ruin in 1934 and rebuilt the next 11 years at a cost of 13 million marks and turned into a temple for his SS cult." - from "Architects of Deception" (p. 427), Juri Lina






  • Saturnalia, the annual Roman sacrifice event:
    • Related names: Saturnia
    • Saturday = Saturn's day: named in honour of the Roman god "Saturn".
    • "Saturnalia was the feast at which the Romans commemorated the dedication of the temple of the god Saturn, which took place on 17 December. Over the years, it expanded to a whole week, up to 23 December. In the vagaring Roman calendar the Winter Solstice fell in this period; in imperial times that event was celebrated in honour of Sol Invictus and put on 25 December by emperor Aurelian in 274, so after the Saturnalia."
    • "SATURN wandered to Italy, where he ruled as king in the Golden Age and gave the name SATURNIA to the country." (Encyclopedia Britannica)
    • "The holiday of Saturnalia is now known as Christmas (Christ + Mass). Which is why I don't observe it." [36]
    • "Have you all noticed how when people talk of 666 they always talk of SATAN or the BEAST? They do not reference Lucifer! Reason is that Lucifer is something entirely different and that it is the planet VENUS. Some believe Lucifer is the Sun but either way Lucifer is not SATURN and therefore not SATAN." [37]

  • Non-logo's:

  • Logo's: