Another clue that Genesis gives us is that these Angels were ’giants’ or of ’tall’ stature.

They walked with man, they ’ate’ with man, meaning they had a digestive system similar to man... but then wasn’t man made in God’s’ image? They also mated with the women of earth... meaning again, that they had reproduction organs and were quite fertile.

The most common type of angel physically and knowingly encountered by people in the bible looked like men.

An ’important’ clue to linking the Blue People with the Angels is given in Luke 24:4 as he describes the scene of Jesus’s tomb as he describes the two angels that appeared to Mary. They were described as wearing ’SHINING GARMENTS’ . It is mine and others that in most cases where they are depicted as having "a radiance" that this is attributed to a uniform of some kind.

These angels also had the ability to cloak themselves from man or make himself invisible... ALTHOUGH... animals could see them with no difficulty.

You can evidence of this in the Book of Numbers 22:23-31...

"Now the donkey saw the Angel of the Lord standing in the way with his sword drawn in his hand and the donkey turned aside out of the way and went into the field. So Balaam, not being able to see the angel, struck the donkey to turn her back onto the road."

Going on in Book of Numbers, it reads....

"Then the Lord opened Balaam’s eyes and he saw the Angel of the Lord standing in the way with his drawn sword in his hand and he bowed his head and fell flat on his face."

These angels not only had the ability to ’cloak’ themselves and become invisible to people, but also their crafts and domains.

Again, this is evidenced in Kings 6:17 where we read Elisha’s request to have a man’s eyes opened and it was granted and he saw things he formerly could not.

"And Elisha prayed, and said, "Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.

"Then the lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha."

Angels do not die... thus they are immortal.

These ’fallen’ ones (ones that came down from the sky or out of the heavens) were bound to this Earth plane at a place called ’Hell’. Hah Hah... Hell... Another important Clue! But where ’exactly’ is Hell.

If they were bound to Earth, it should make sense that it is somewhere on this earth plane... although, like Shambhala, veiled to the human sight.

Now we know that the angels walked with man in ancient times. And we know they taught man the arts, math, astrology, husbandry, medicine, the skills of making metal, etc. And we know that the lost Continent of Atlantis received their knowledge from the sunken Continent of Lemuria (MU). Thus the angels must have occupied MU and mated with the women of Earth.

I found a the Mu connection to the Blue People through the works of Mark S. Miller, a student of anthropology for over 30 years. He stumbled across reference to a ’former’ race of humanoids where were ’BLUE’. He discovered that to the known four races of mankind, there was a FIFTH RACE that dwelled on an ’unknown’ continent in the middle of the ocean between Asia and Europe. This according to all the old maps ’had to have been MU’!

This race... the most ancient of all... was called the BLUE MOOVIANS!

They were very tall, very thin, and had extremely large heads. They possessed all manners of powers of the mind: teleportation, telekinesis, ESP. These same attributes can be read about concerning the Ang(els) of the bible. According to some ancient texts, one day, for reasons known only to them, they conveyed to the humans of earth that they had, through their powers of astral projection, located a planet more suitable to their needs in a far distant solar system or galaxy and departed Earth.

Miller believes that each and everyone disappeared from the face of the earth, teleporting themselves to this far away planet. I submit, that there were those that had fallen to the lower vibrations of the earth and were or could not leave this plane... thus bound to this earth. One of these places they called HELL. This supposedly occurred about 60,000 BC.

In my research, I always watch for the ’root’ words as clues to lost knowledge. And in the root of ’Nor’ I found the missing link to the Blue (Moo)vians and the latter (Nor)dics in a little known (Nor)wegian myth about a rarely seen island the locals call "Formørk Øy" (or "Cloud Island"). It is supposedly 400 or so miles from the shores of (Mo) skenesøya due east from the tip of HELL. (That’s right~Hell.)

It is called Cloud Island because, when it IS seen, it is perpetually shrouded in a cloud cover. (How many of us researchers have heard the story of UFOs hiding themselves in a cloud!)

This place, again like the legends of Shambala, has the ability to veil itself from the eyes of humans. It holds no place on any map because the actual distance is unknown, the island cannot be seen from above, despite numerous attempts, and no one can prove that they’ve actually set foot on it’s shores, if it has any. Only treacherous cliffs are observed, and none has reached it or even gone all the way round it. The main reason it isn’t included on any map are the many superstitions related to the island and her inhabitants.

Many tall tales are told in the little villages of fishing voyages in proximity of this mysterious island; of seeing strange, dark ships in it’s waters with crews of very tall people in equally mysterious garb (Garments that SHIMMER... refer back to the description of the garments of the Angels at the Tomb of Jesus in Luke 24:4.) These crewmen have been reported to have a low blue tint to their skins.

The people of the area have now given them the name of Delvar Nar.

Any attempts to approach the island are thwarted by the ocean herself, never allowing the ships to get closer than 100 or so miles. No structures of any kind have ever been observed, no empirical clues of habitation except for those dark ships. Even through binoculars s the ships themselves are always barely out of focus, surrounded in fog and mist from the sea.

The fishermen of the villages believe that these people are blue-toned supernatural humanoids (ang[els]?) and stay clear from the island, despite the excellent fishing conditions.

Apparently they may come in different heights, as people today do, as explorer Jacques Cousteau once boasted about coming in contact with a similar people. His blue people were smaller in stature, roughly the height of your average human. However... these people may have been the descents of the Blue Moovians as I will get to later on in this article.

There was papers found in a chest belonging to a Norseman , which told a story about a fishing vessel that was lost to a fierce storm a good many decades ago. Of the thirty man crew, only two survived. After being found by some locals, several days later, they told an incredible story of being at sea by tall, muscular, dark blue men who yanked them from the freezing waters and brought them aboard their ship, made of a black wood that neither of them had seen before.

Their rescuers wore long coats with high collars, made of a material they had also never seen, that appeared to SHIMMER black and blue as it moved in the wind.

The men were bald but had shiny black hair from the base of the skull and fanned outward a bit.

Some wore a black metallic band around their foreheads with unknown markings etched in them, others had hats with rounded top and wide brims, and all wore belts with strange objects attached. Their eyes were dark as midnight under low arches and a hint of a brow. They were never spoken to directly at first, but could hear mumblings in a language they were not at all familiar with as they conversed amongst themselves.

They were stowed in a small room below deck with little light emanating from unseen lamps. The room itself held nothing but cushions atop a dark rug, ornately decorated with silver designs, again like nothing they had seen before.

They were silently given fresh water, thick blankets, and a plate of meats and fruit. After some hours, the doors to the hatch were opened and sunlight streamed in. They were gently taken by the arm and led off the vessel and into a smaller boat of the same design.

This vessel itself appeared to be docked between two high cliffs in a narrow bay that tapered off into the distance and seemed to have no end. One man glanced up at the cliffs and swore he saw windows and doors with light pouring out from them, but that could not be accessible from the bay itself, being hundreds of feet above their position.

One Delvar Nar finally spoke to them saying, in perfect Norska, "we will take you home now."

It was then that the men noticed his skin closely matched that of his long coat, subtly changing hue from the darker blue to slightly lighter shades, as ripples across a pond. They thought it might be a reflection from the sea, but their position on the boat betrayed that thought as the edge of the boat was a few feet away.

The voice was low and melodic, and made the two feel rather drowsy as they felt a warm mist surround them, envelop them, until they then found themselves in the forest a few miles from their village.

From that day on, the villagers swore to leave the island in peace and never discuss it with outsiders.


From the books of the Israelites we have our legends of the Ang (els) but there are other ancient books that describe such spiritual beings. And they are depicted as having a blue tint to their skin.

As in the Bhagavad-gita , evidence again supports a very ancient race of a blue skinned race through the stories of Lord Krishna. Instead of being an Ang (el) Krishna was described like that of an ’Avatar’, god or demi-god.

According the the Bhagavad-gita he was a teacher teaching the workings of creation, understanding of a self-realized soul.

He taught the people the science of yoga in all its forms - the path of work, the path of knowledge, the path of mysticism, the path of devotion.

But for us it is enough to realize that he was always depicted with ’blue skin’. Shiva is also a ’dark blue


David DeGraff brings up another interesting angel for my research of this Blue Race.

This was the Ainu who were an indigenous people living in Japan whose skin hue is often described as blue. (click image above)


Modern Medicine would like to write this off as a ’disease’ of sorts. The Smithsonian even tried to pass it off as dirt ...BUT... I believe that this race of people did exist and that their existence appeared from time to time through a recessive gene.

Evidence of this may be found in the lineage of the Blue Fugate Families in Kentucky. Special thank you to Glenn Rabenold for pointing me in the right direction in my search for the mysterious Blue People of the Cherokee Legends.

Adapted from an article in Science 82

November 1982 by Cathy Trost

It all started over 6 generations ago after a French orphan named Martin Fugate (click image right) claimed a land grant in 1820 and settled on the banks of eastern Kentucky’s Troublesome Creek, with his red-headed American bride, the former Elizabeth Smith, whose skin was as pale as the mountain laurel that blooms every spring around the creek hollows.

The Fugates had seven children, four were reported to be blue. The clan kept multiplying. Fugates married other Fugates. Sometimes they married first cousins. And they married the people who lived closest to them, the Combses, Smiths, Ritchies, and Stacys. All lived in isolation from the world, bunched in log cabins up and down the hollows, and so it was only natural that a boy married the girl next door, even if she had the same last name.

"When they settled this country back then, there was no roads. It was hard to get out, so they intermarried," says Dennis Stacy who counts Fugate blood in his own veins.

Martin and Elizabeth Fugate’s blue children multiplied in this natural isolation tank. The marriage of one of their blue boys, Zachariah, to his mother’s sister triggered the line of succession that would result in the birth, more than 100 years later of Benjy Stacy.

When Benjy was born with purple skin, his relatives told the perplexed doctors about his great grandmother Luna Fugate. One relative described her as "blue all over" and another calls Luna "the bluest woman I ever saw". Luna’s father, Levy Fugate, was one of Zachariah Fugate’s sons. Levy married a Ritchie girl and bought 200 acres of rolling land along Ball Creek.

The couple had 8 children, including Luna. A fellow by the name of John Stacy spotted Luna at Sunday services of the Old Regular Baptist Church before the turn of the century. Stacy courted her, married her, and moved from Troublesome Creek to make a living in timber on her daddy’s land. John Stacy still lives on Lick Branch of Ball Creek.

Stacy recalls that his father-in-law, Levy Fugate, was,

"part of the family that showed blue. All them old fellers way back then was blue. One of em - I remember seeing him when I was just a boy - Blue Anze, they called him. Most of them old people we by that name - the blue Fugates. It run in that generation who lived up and down Ball Creek".

"They looked like anybody else, except they had the blue color," Stacy said.

"The bluest Fugates I ever saw was Luna and her kin," said Carrie Lee Kilburn, a nurse at the rural medical center called Homeplace Center. "Luna was bluish all over. Her lips were as dark as a bruise. She was as blue a woman as I ever saw."

Luna Stacy possessed the good health common to the blue people bearing at least 13 children before she died at 84. The clinic rarely saw her and never for anything serious.

Benjy Stacy was born in a modern hospital near Hazard, Kentucky, not far from Troublesome Creek. He inherited his father’s lankiness and his mother’s red hair but what he got from his great, great, great grandfather was dark blue skin! The doctors were astonished, not so the parents, but the boy was rushed off to a medical clinic in Lexington (University of Kentucky Medical School). Two days of tests showed no cause for Benjy’s blue skin.

Benjy’s grandmother Stacy asked the doctor’s if they had heard of the blue Fugates of Troublesome Creek. Put on that track, they concluded that Benjy’s condition was inherited. Benjy lost his blue tint within a few weeks and now he is about as normal a 7-year old boy as you might imagine. His lips and fingernails still turn a purplish blue when he gets cold or angry and that trait was exploited by the medical students back when Benjy was an infant.

I believe that this family carried the recessive gene of an ancient race that we thought left our earth plane thousands of years ago.

Several years ago, I came across a report done by the British on the Native American Indian. According to the report, the Cherokee talked of these blue skinned people that lived on the land before the Cherokee. It was reported that the Cherokee wiped them out.

Olmec Head...

Could this may have been a blue skin? Instead of black as we thought???

Through an interview I did with Blue Otter, Cherokee Indian himself and author of Prophecy Keepers, I found out that these blue skinned people were not wiped out but lived in the caves below the surface of the earth.

He told me that the Cherokee accounts tell that when they came into this land, they found many gardens but not the people that would have tended to the gardens. Later they found that these people of the gardens lived underground and came out only at night to tend the gardens.

The food was harvested and then taken back underground to the homes they had there. These people had blue skin , large eyes . The sun rays were too harsh for them on the surface so they chose to live underground away from the harsh rays of the sun and only come out at night using the light of the moon. The Cherokee called them ’the moon people’.

Although it was assumed that this race of blue skinned people were wiped out by the Cherokee, we discovered recently that this may not be true. Several men were exploring some deep caves in Arkansas. After going down so deep, someone or thing started throwing rocks at them, apparently attempting to discourage them from going any deeper into the cave. The men scared off whatever or whoever it was that were throwing the stones and continued to go down deeper. After about 1 mile down into the cave they came upon some plastic type transparent tubes.

At this point they could not go any further. But they could see a city on the other side and saw several people with blue skin.


"Berbers of the Sahara, numbering close to 2 million. They have preserved their ancient alphabet, which is related to that used by ancient Libyans.

The Tuaregs traditionally maintained a feudal system consisting of a small number of noble families, a large majority of vassals, and a lower class of black non-Tuareg serfs, who performed the agricultural tasks.

The upper classes, organized in tribes, convoyed caravans and, until subdued by France, were feared as raiders. The fiercely independent Tuareg resented European hegemony in Africa, and they long resisted conquest.

Tuareg men go veiled, while the women are unveiled. Women enjoy respect and freedom, and descent and inheritance are through the female line. Though nominally Muslim, the people still retain many pre-Islamic rites and customs.

The traditional way of life for the Tuaregs (e.g., raiding neighboring tribes, leading caravans, and exacting taxes from trans-Sahara travelers) has changed."

According to a few obscure references to the Tuareg in the manuscripts of Tzaadi Suvau, from which this Legend surfaces, (as well as the stories Bestefar had told), there is a link between these people and the Delvar Nar. They are often referred to as "The Blue Men of The Desert."

Suvau provides no further details other than the word Tuareg, at least that I have yet found. Much more to go through.

Anyway, I find it fascinating that these particular muslims operate rather in the reverse of the traditional muslim; a matriarchal foundation which could also link them back to the Lemurians.


"According to the prophecy, there are four groups of people:

  • the red

  • the yellow

  • the black

  • the white

Courchene says that from today’s youth a new group of people will be born - the blue people, who will be tolerant of each other, and will bring spiritual harmony and sacredness back to the earth. This will prepare the way for a rebirth of Mother Earth."

As a student of anthropology some 30 years ago, I stumbled across reference to a former race of humanoids who were blue.

Once, in addition to the four known races of mankind, there was a fifth race that dwelled on an unknown continent in the middle of the ocean between Asia and Europe (i.e., North America). This race, the most ancient of all, was called the Blue Moovians.

They were very tall, about seven feet, and very thin, and had extremely large heads. They possessed all manners of powers of the mind: teleportation, telekinesis, ESP.

One day, in response to a stimulus known only to them, they conveyed to regular humans that they had, through their powers of astral projection, located a planet more suitable to their needs in a far distant solar system or galaxy, and all at once they each and every one disappeared from the face of the earth and teleported themselves there, never to be seen or heard from again.

This supposedly occurred about 60,000 BC.

--Mark S. Miller

My husband swears that when he took anthropology they talked about a race of blue people.

--Lonijo, via AOL

The Picts were an early race of Scotsmen who fought naked and painted themselves blue with woad. They were known as the blue people.

--Tom Riemers

You completely missed the Ainu, an indigenous people living in Japan whose skin hue is often described as blue.

--David de Graaf