By Philip Jones |
"Communitarianism is a collectivist philosophy that explicitly rejects individualism. It does not merely relegate individualism to a subordinate position, but is openly hostile to it. It is an ideology of 'civic society' which is nothing less than one version of Post-Marxist collectivism which wants privileges for certain wealthy and influential organized groups, and in consequence, a renewed feudalization of society." --Vaclav Klaus.
Communitarianist Ideology
The European Union is a major aspect of the `New World Order` and the so called `sustainable development` movement. The main objective of the Federal European State to be, is absolute social, personal and economic control in a collectivist and corporatist society. The philosophy behind the EU is a strange mixture of Capitalism and Communism - a form of Euro Marxism which owes much of its dogma to the Pre World War II Italian Marxist Philosopher, Antonio Gramsci.. The nearest ideology to that practiced by the EU is something called `Communitarianism`, or what Tony Blair called the 'Third Way'..
We are talking of a dialectical trap here, with Corporate money funding Socialism as Thesis, ideological Socialism as Antithesis and Communitarianism or the `new imperium` as Synthesis. Money grabs and concentrates power, whilst State Socialism promises the total redistribution of ownership and wealth. This contradiction provides an almost irresistible dynamic.
Communitarians want to create a post-modern, post-democratic feudal society run by a small number of rich and powerful people with everyone else working as peasants. In order to achieve their objectives they must destroy the middle class and the nation state. Can anyone deny that their goals are firmly on course.
One of the most mysterious aspects of the European Union from a `lay-man's` standpoint is the decision making process. Even with only the bare minimum of research, it becomes clear that we the people have little or no influence on any of the decisions reached in our name and the subsequent diktats which inevitably follow. In this article/essay, I will try and identify the ideology and aims of the key socio- economic decisions that drive the EU, and how because of these decisions, our lives are increasingly no longer our own.
The socio political economic agenda of the EU is carefully and intentionally buried beneath myriad layers of tedious and unintelligible `newspeak`. Despite this, in recent years, as the pace of so called EU 'reform' has quickened, many researchers like myself have begun to expose and unravel this intentionally obtuse and often ambiguous jargon and reveal it for what it really is: A tool of confusion and misinformation intended towards the enslavement of the peoples of Europe by the rule of diktat and economic servitude..
Once the spotlight of investigation is shone directly at `the beast`, what emerges is a Communitarian Agenda driven solely by corporate interests. Monetary Profit is to be the `bottom line` on everything from public services to defence to the very useful environmental `Trojan Horse`. High sounding `non descriptions` precede cleverly worded specifics that determine that the one and only benchmark be an economic one.
The truth is of course that if the people of Europe themselves were to engage in setting the EU agenda, the current programme would almost without question be reversed. Instead of the `Mammonistic` ideal of profit before all, we would most certainly witness an agenda dominated by life quality issues like real un-politicised education for our children, and a healthcare service not tied to the pharmaceutical conglomerates, and free of political restraint, with a remit to provide the very best treatment available, whether it be of the traditional or alternative varieties.
The Roots And Goals Of The New Feudalism
Anarchists would probably say that the basis of the EU agenda rests squarely with the ruling classes, but although in actuality correct, sooner than leave it at that, it is useful to unravel the `ball of string` by which the `Union's` decisions are formulated, created , morphed into diktat and then monitored. For what appears from beneath the shroud are the most corrupting and powerful corporations in Europe. `Greed` entities with no pretence of any mandate beyond their combined annual turnover of €950 million and the fact they employ only around four million workers on a Continent inhabited by almost 500 million people.
Much of the ideological base for the EU Agenda can be found in the works of Count Count R. N. Courdenhove-Kalergi
The European Union is a major aspect of the `New World Order` and the so called `sustainable development` movement. The main objective of the Federal European State to be, is absolute social, personal and economic control in a collectivist and corporatist society. The philosophy behind the EU is a strange mixture of Capitalism and Communism - a form of Euro Marxism which owes much of its dogma to the Pre World War II Italian Marxist Philosopher, Antonio Gramsci.. The nearest ideology to that practiced by the EU is something called `Communitarianism`, or what Tony Blair called the 'Third Way'..
We are talking of a dialectical trap here, with Corporate money funding Socialism as Thesis, ideological Socialism as Antithesis and Communitarianism or the `new imperium` as Synthesis. Money grabs and concentrates power, whilst State Socialism promises the total redistribution of ownership and wealth. This contradiction provides an almost irresistible dynamic.
Communitarians want to create a post-modern, post-democratic feudal society run by a small number of rich and powerful people with everyone else working as peasants. In order to achieve their objectives they must destroy the middle class and the nation state. Can anyone deny that their goals are firmly on course.
One of the most mysterious aspects of the European Union from a `lay-man's` standpoint is the decision making process. Even with only the bare minimum of research, it becomes clear that we the people have little or no influence on any of the decisions reached in our name and the subsequent diktats which inevitably follow. In this article/essay, I will try and identify the ideology and aims of the key socio- economic decisions that drive the EU, and how because of these decisions, our lives are increasingly no longer our own.
The socio political economic agenda of the EU is carefully and intentionally buried beneath myriad layers of tedious and unintelligible `newspeak`. Despite this, in recent years, as the pace of so called EU 'reform' has quickened, many researchers like myself have begun to expose and unravel this intentionally obtuse and often ambiguous jargon and reveal it for what it really is: A tool of confusion and misinformation intended towards the enslavement of the peoples of Europe by the rule of diktat and economic servitude..
Once the spotlight of investigation is shone directly at `the beast`, what emerges is a Communitarian Agenda driven solely by corporate interests. Monetary Profit is to be the `bottom line` on everything from public services to defence to the very useful environmental `Trojan Horse`. High sounding `non descriptions` precede cleverly worded specifics that determine that the one and only benchmark be an economic one.
The truth is of course that if the people of Europe themselves were to engage in setting the EU agenda, the current programme would almost without question be reversed. Instead of the `Mammonistic` ideal of profit before all, we would most certainly witness an agenda dominated by life quality issues like real un-politicised education for our children, and a healthcare service not tied to the pharmaceutical conglomerates, and free of political restraint, with a remit to provide the very best treatment available, whether it be of the traditional or alternative varieties.
The Roots And Goals Of The New Feudalism
Anarchists would probably say that the basis of the EU agenda rests squarely with the ruling classes, but although in actuality correct, sooner than leave it at that, it is useful to unravel the `ball of string` by which the `Union's` decisions are formulated, created , morphed into diktat and then monitored. For what appears from beneath the shroud are the most corrupting and powerful corporations in Europe. `Greed` entities with no pretence of any mandate beyond their combined annual turnover of €950 million and the fact they employ only around four million workers on a Continent inhabited by almost 500 million people.
Much of the ideological base for the EU Agenda can be found in the works of Count Count R. N. Courdenhove-Kalergi

Richard Nicolaus
Coudenhove Kalergi
who is justifiably regarded by many as the `God-father` of the European Union. It was his suggestion that Beethovens hymn be the EU's Anthem, and he was extremely active in connection with the design of the EU logo. It was Coudenhove who founded the Pan European Union in the early part of the 20th century. It is interesting to note that his successor in the movement was Otto Von Hapsburg, an honorary professor of the University of Jerusalem, and recipient of the 'International Humanitarian Award', of the 'Anti Defamation-League' (ADL) of the Jewish B'nai B'rith Masonery Lodge. Coudenhove Kalergi's father was a close friend of Theodor Herzle the founder of Zionism.
International Paneuropean Union flag

In recent years, the stars from the EU flag have been added around the classic sun cross of the Movement's flag.

In recent years, the stars from the EU flag have been added around the classic sun cross of the Movement's flag.
Coudenhove's vision for Europe was of a vast feudal fiefdom, where a small group of Money Aristocrats ruled a population of Serfs through a plutocratic {plutocratic = rule or power through wealth} false democratism which we see today holds thrall over the whole of the continent. His vision was shared, funded and sponsored by the `bloodline` and moneyed families of both Europe (Rothschild's) and the USA(Rockefellers). In fact, since the end of WWII, the major dynamic behind the Federalist vision has come not from the European side, but from the Eastern Seaboard `establishment` families such as the Rockefellers, Harrimans, Morgan's, Dulles' and Bush's.
Theatre For The Masses..
"The plan, I think, is the old one of world dominion in a new form . . . the money-power and revolutionary power have been set up and given sham but symbolic shapes ('Capitalism" or "Communism') and sharply defined citadels ('America' or "Russia') . . . Such is the spectacle publicly staged for the masses. But what if similar men, with a common aim, secretly rule in both camps and propose to achieve their ambition through the clash between those masses? I believe any diligent student of our times will discover that this is the case.-- Douglas Reed
theatrical struggle between Capitalism and Communism over the
inheritance of their `bloodline` aristocracy is a fratricidal war of the
`blood` aristocracies a fight between individualistic and socialist,
egoist and altruist, heathen and Christian ideals. The `Generals` in
this make believe battle of both parties are recruited from Europe's
Secret Societies and Brotherhoods, who can all be canopied beneath the
metaphorical tarpaulin of the Illuminati.
Both Capitalism and Communism are rational, mechanical constructs. The time of the Old Military Caste nobility has passed. The effect of the `synthesis`, and it's power, namely the belief in it, along with the hope that it's time is nearing, is now growing exponentially, and with it the audacity and arrogance of the `New` Aristocracy. Through their puppet politicians sitting furtively in National Parliaments, The Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations and the plethora of other `front` organisations, their European `Project` appears close to becoming a reality, a first step along the road to the New World Order.
At the fourth annual conference of the Institute for the Scientific Study of International Relations at Copenhagen in June 1931 which was published in the magazine of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in December of that year, the following Statement was read out
Both Capitalism and Communism are rational, mechanical constructs. The time of the Old Military Caste nobility has passed. The effect of the `synthesis`, and it's power, namely the belief in it, along with the hope that it's time is nearing, is now growing exponentially, and with it the audacity and arrogance of the `New` Aristocracy. Through their puppet politicians sitting furtively in National Parliaments, The Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations and the plethora of other `front` organisations, their European `Project` appears close to becoming a reality, a first step along the road to the New World Order.
At the fourth annual conference of the Institute for the Scientific Study of International Relations at Copenhagen in June 1931 which was published in the magazine of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in December of that year, the following Statement was read out
"We are at present working discreetly but with all our might, to
wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches
of the local national states of our world. And all the time we are
denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands, because
to impugn the sovereignty of the local national states of the world
is still a heresy for which a statesman or a publicist can be,
perhaps not quite burnt at the stake, but certainly ostracized and
The Methodology of Communitarianist Fascism
The EU project has up until recently been subtle in the extreme. Step by laborious step, one treaty after the other, they have hidden their true intentions behind an economic smokescreen, aided by a population who have abdicated responsibility for the decision making in their lives to liars, cheats and degenerates who whilst masquerading as elected representatives of the people, have conspired to disenfranchise them completely. Now, as we writhe and squirm amidst the worst economic crisis in living history, the Corporate plan for total control of the continent in the first instance, and the planet in the second, is nearing successful completion. What amazes this writer is that there are still those `amateur` researchers, who although far more informed than the average State/Media programmed `resource` still cannot understand that these are not chaotic times. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. The `project` is completely `on track` and nearing it's conclusion. So arrogant are the `Lord and Masters` now, that even a minor detail such as the Irish Referendum `NO` vote does not deter their ambitions. So how were a relatively small cadre of conspirators able to achieve this astonishing level of supremacy over a population of almost 500 million people?
A detailed dissection of this question is not feasible in an Essay of this kind, but an examination of the above diagram will help us understand the main instruments of control by which all the countries of Europe (even those outside of the bloc still incredulously clambering for membership) have handed over control to the European Federalists.
The Centre : An illegitimate money power without any public mandate drawing it's strength from Usury, Monopoly Capitalism and the Industrial Military Complex.. The source of all great power in the 21st century and the 20th before it is money. And the root and base of this power is Usury, that is the issue of money as interest bearing debt. Since the 1980's, banks and lenders have seemingly been falling over themselves to lend money. Now as we try to ride out our present woes, we are told that money is scarce. Why is it scarce? Because the same people who were lending it so willingly are no longer doing so. They `create` money as figures on a screen in the form of loans. It is money out of thin air, backed by nothing other than the people's taxes, and a belief that it exists and that it has some worth.
In this way, they have enticed millions of people to sign their freedoms away for the promise of a new home, car, kitchen or bathroom. Then when the time was right, NOW, they started calling in unpaid loans, manipulating prices, raising interest rates and destroying jobs and manufacturing production in the process. Then, with the people in fear for their existence, and terrified of what the future might bring, demanding naively that something be done, they come up with the solution they had planned all along; More centralisation of bank ownership. State and Corporate mergers through `Government Buyout` packages and the call for a uniform across the board single currency not only for Europe, but for the whole planet.
When the dust settles, we will see that the middle classes have been so badly damaged, that their political and economic power base will be no more. This is how `fiefdoms` and servitude is established.
The Corporate Media: Supplied with unlimited funds and control over the mass media, the `New lords` of money have been able to dictate what is given to the public by way of knowledge and information. Through television and radio, they use subliminal messaging technology to entrap and entice people into exchanging their identities as individual human souls for that of `consumers`. They manipulate all avenues of `News` reporting ensuring that the `Third Way` consensus is consolidated and maintained. The European Ideal is paramount and our children are indoctrinated into it by the most subtle and non subtle of means. Popular music and movies, loaded with trigger sounds and words have created a `dumbing down` effect across the continent which is matched and exceeded only in some respects by what can be found in the same media forum across the Atlantic. With a owned and controlled compliant press in tow, which simply repeats and enlarges upon the lies of the Six O'clock News from the evening before, it is little wonder that the vast majority's idea of reality is totally askew.
Politics: The Financial control and manipulation of politics along with the concerted undermining of private enterprise capitalism combined with a progressive programme of State (EU) interference in all aspects of private commerce, has all but destroyed this once proud and independent feature of the European way of life. The mystery of 21st century European politics is the little understood relationship between `Monopoly Capitalism` and Marxism. Two irrefutable facts of 20th century history, although not generally known, is that without huge financial support from the west, the Russian Revolution would not have happened, and that the Industrial and Military strength of the USSR was almost entirely a creation of the West. Inside the EU, precisely the same techniques and motives have been powerfully at work, undermining systematically the individual member state's private enterprise capitalist system, substituting in it's stead elements of pure Socialism and not surprisingly, the EU Commission can be seen to have been implementing in many ways Marx's own ten points, which are calculated to bring the whole Bloc under a `Socialist` Corporatist Imperium. Namely a Communitarian New European Order. The Canadian Professor and author, Henry Makow puts it this way, "The Illuminati's `revolutionary goal` is the New World Order, or authoritarian socialism run by monopoly capital. It is big government in the service of big business. The Left in the service of the Right".
Foreign Policy: The European Unionists see their project as a revival of Ancient Rome. A New European Order along the lines of The Roman Empire. A `Pax Europa` if you will. This `vision of a Pan European Superpower has always been the `endgame` and disciples of this ideal have been growing in both support and popularity within the inner sanctum of the Commission over past few decades. The view is that only within the scenario of "Superpower Europe" will "Greater Europe" achieve its rightful world-power potential. Therefore it is rationalised that the "final goal of a European state" should be pursued. All central political competences (interior, foreign policy, defence, social and economic policies) must be Communitised. The EU, already developing in the direction of "Superpower Europe", would always be capable of accepting new members . Thus it would be "globally the only system which could continually expand its territory. Then the great political and economic power potential of the EU would achieve parity with the USA" .
It is necessary to understand that this emerging `superbloc` is only truly relevant in the context of any future World Government Organisation. A `Superpower` only in as much as it forms one regional supranational entity as would a North American Union, and an Asia Pacific Union, all subordinated to the World Government and Army.
The EU project has up until recently been subtle in the extreme. Step by laborious step, one treaty after the other, they have hidden their true intentions behind an economic smokescreen, aided by a population who have abdicated responsibility for the decision making in their lives to liars, cheats and degenerates who whilst masquerading as elected representatives of the people, have conspired to disenfranchise them completely. Now, as we writhe and squirm amidst the worst economic crisis in living history, the Corporate plan for total control of the continent in the first instance, and the planet in the second, is nearing successful completion. What amazes this writer is that there are still those `amateur` researchers, who although far more informed than the average State/Media programmed `resource` still cannot understand that these are not chaotic times. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. The `project` is completely `on track` and nearing it's conclusion. So arrogant are the `Lord and Masters` now, that even a minor detail such as the Irish Referendum `NO` vote does not deter their ambitions. So how were a relatively small cadre of conspirators able to achieve this astonishing level of supremacy over a population of almost 500 million people?
A detailed dissection of this question is not feasible in an Essay of this kind, but an examination of the above diagram will help us understand the main instruments of control by which all the countries of Europe (even those outside of the bloc still incredulously clambering for membership) have handed over control to the European Federalists.
The Centre : An illegitimate money power without any public mandate drawing it's strength from Usury, Monopoly Capitalism and the Industrial Military Complex.. The source of all great power in the 21st century and the 20th before it is money. And the root and base of this power is Usury, that is the issue of money as interest bearing debt. Since the 1980's, banks and lenders have seemingly been falling over themselves to lend money. Now as we try to ride out our present woes, we are told that money is scarce. Why is it scarce? Because the same people who were lending it so willingly are no longer doing so. They `create` money as figures on a screen in the form of loans. It is money out of thin air, backed by nothing other than the people's taxes, and a belief that it exists and that it has some worth.
In this way, they have enticed millions of people to sign their freedoms away for the promise of a new home, car, kitchen or bathroom. Then when the time was right, NOW, they started calling in unpaid loans, manipulating prices, raising interest rates and destroying jobs and manufacturing production in the process. Then, with the people in fear for their existence, and terrified of what the future might bring, demanding naively that something be done, they come up with the solution they had planned all along; More centralisation of bank ownership. State and Corporate mergers through `Government Buyout` packages and the call for a uniform across the board single currency not only for Europe, but for the whole planet.
When the dust settles, we will see that the middle classes have been so badly damaged, that their political and economic power base will be no more. This is how `fiefdoms` and servitude is established.
The Corporate Media: Supplied with unlimited funds and control over the mass media, the `New lords` of money have been able to dictate what is given to the public by way of knowledge and information. Through television and radio, they use subliminal messaging technology to entrap and entice people into exchanging their identities as individual human souls for that of `consumers`. They manipulate all avenues of `News` reporting ensuring that the `Third Way` consensus is consolidated and maintained. The European Ideal is paramount and our children are indoctrinated into it by the most subtle and non subtle of means. Popular music and movies, loaded with trigger sounds and words have created a `dumbing down` effect across the continent which is matched and exceeded only in some respects by what can be found in the same media forum across the Atlantic. With a owned and controlled compliant press in tow, which simply repeats and enlarges upon the lies of the Six O'clock News from the evening before, it is little wonder that the vast majority's idea of reality is totally askew.
Politics: The Financial control and manipulation of politics along with the concerted undermining of private enterprise capitalism combined with a progressive programme of State (EU) interference in all aspects of private commerce, has all but destroyed this once proud and independent feature of the European way of life. The mystery of 21st century European politics is the little understood relationship between `Monopoly Capitalism` and Marxism. Two irrefutable facts of 20th century history, although not generally known, is that without huge financial support from the west, the Russian Revolution would not have happened, and that the Industrial and Military strength of the USSR was almost entirely a creation of the West. Inside the EU, precisely the same techniques and motives have been powerfully at work, undermining systematically the individual member state's private enterprise capitalist system, substituting in it's stead elements of pure Socialism and not surprisingly, the EU Commission can be seen to have been implementing in many ways Marx's own ten points, which are calculated to bring the whole Bloc under a `Socialist` Corporatist Imperium. Namely a Communitarian New European Order. The Canadian Professor and author, Henry Makow puts it this way, "The Illuminati's `revolutionary goal` is the New World Order, or authoritarian socialism run by monopoly capital. It is big government in the service of big business. The Left in the service of the Right".
Foreign Policy: The European Unionists see their project as a revival of Ancient Rome. A New European Order along the lines of The Roman Empire. A `Pax Europa` if you will. This `vision of a Pan European Superpower has always been the `endgame` and disciples of this ideal have been growing in both support and popularity within the inner sanctum of the Commission over past few decades. The view is that only within the scenario of "Superpower Europe" will "Greater Europe" achieve its rightful world-power potential. Therefore it is rationalised that the "final goal of a European state" should be pursued. All central political competences (interior, foreign policy, defence, social and economic policies) must be Communitised. The EU, already developing in the direction of "Superpower Europe", would always be capable of accepting new members . Thus it would be "globally the only system which could continually expand its territory. Then the great political and economic power potential of the EU would achieve parity with the USA" .
It is necessary to understand that this emerging `superbloc` is only truly relevant in the context of any future World Government Organisation. A `Superpower` only in as much as it forms one regional supranational entity as would a North American Union, and an Asia Pacific Union, all subordinated to the World Government and Army.

Culture: The subversion of national culture, including literature, art, music and the undermining of institutions and traditions, church, family and morality was a prerequisite to establishing the Communitarian Supranational State. Only by severing the people's roots to these aspects of national life could the conspiratorial goals be realised. Organ transplant surgeons encounter a problem called `rejection`, whereby the organ receiver's body, programmed by nature, rejects the new organ because it simply does not belong. Similarly, before a population can be expected to tolerate any new system of control, means must be found to reduce said populace to a condition of `apathetic servitude`. Winston Churchill showed his understanding of this when he wrote back in 1922 that there could be no World Government as envisaged by Marxists except on the basis of an induced state of universal arrested development. Since the end of WWII, the peoples of Europe along with the rest of humankind have been, through various means, reduced to exactly that state. This has been achieved via a diabolical program of culture distortion, using subversive genre's of popular music, ever more degrading and perverse forms of pornography, theatre and cinema themes which distort reality and show an inverted and corrupted ideal of all that is natural, moral and good, together with the encouragement of decadence in every possible form. Briefly put, the substitution of a people's own indigenous culture with forms of `entertainment` contrived to instil confusion on a mass scale, and paralyse the collective will at source. This undermining and subversion of the culture is openly promoted and encouraged by the media whores of the New Lords Of Money, with the most degraded, drug addicted so called `artists` being touted as role models for our youth.
Science: Science must be controlled and manipulated in order to prevent any obstruction being placed in the way of the Communitarians. For sake of necessity, there must be truth at least in some of the academic disciplines such as maths, physics, chemistry etc. These the money power need and must have for patently obvious reasons. But it cannot allow at any cost a truth or truths which at last gives pure knowledge to mankind and allows the `useless eaters` to liberate themselves from the millennia of deception they have been subjected to. Scientific truths about the `heavenly bodies` during the renaissance were nowhere near as suppressed as are the genuine products of scientific research today in all those fields of inquiry which cause man to explore his own self, such as anthropology, genetics, psychology and history. The persecution and defamation of those who refuse to accept and conform can be traced back time and again to the illegitimate money power, which in reality always decides who is appointed to a teaching post at a university and who is not. Whose work and research is published and whose is condemned to obscurity.
History: The falsification and suppression of history (especially recent history) goes hand in hand with the falsification and suppression of news. People will lose all confidence in the media if they discover that they have been lied to or denied the truth. This holds true whether we speak of events today, or fifty years since. The control and manipulation of more recent history has become a primary factor in modern political warfare. Unless people know the truth about the past, they will not be equipped to understand the present, and without a clear understanding of this fact, will have no way of helping determine what will occur in the future. As George Orwell wrote, "Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past". Control of the study of history, especially of the past 100 years is exercised by a system of `Intellectual Terrorism` intended to suppress knowledge which will arm our minds against an enemy whose greatest power lies in it's capacity for deception.
"The West has been crippled by a corrosive and corrupt ideology-morality that causes our political elite to declare themselves in sympathy with, and in support of the very elements that boldly proclaim their goal to be the destruction of the nation states of the west". Richard Clarke.
Nowhere is
the merging between the Capitalist super rich and the Marxist
`supposedly` anti-capitalists more clearly established than it is in
`Brussels`. The `Communitarians work behind the scenes. Elite
communitarian 'thinkers' quietly slide their new laws inside projects
and programs few regular people will dare to question. And, just so you
won't look any closer, (or open your mouth to ask any dumb questions)
the communitarians mask their fascist programs behind all manner of
embellished phraseology. The new phrases work so well that if you do
stand out and speak up with a validly debateable question, you will be
labelled a reactionary and defamed as one who doesn't want to live in a
'safe and healthy community' as so many today are when questioning
publicly the whole falsely propagated, climate change deception. And
since everyone has to agree in order to reach communitarian consensus,
you will be shunned and excluded from the decision making 'councils'
that control the new EU regions. Go ahead and try, but the furtive
Communitarians will NEVER debate you because their programs are based
entirely in a lie called Communism.
Religion: There is no doubt in the mind of this writer that the most powerful source of resistance to the `illegitimate` power will be found in a people's religion. I will state quite clearly at this point that I myself am irreligious, and that is quite likely to be to my detriment in some ways. But I have, through recent close contact with Christians, Muslims and one Buddhist come to realise that through faith comes resilience, determination and strength. The central purpose of religion appears to be a means of giving to the individual a spiritual and intellectual base from which that individual can make relative all the stressors and influences he/she encounters and thereby secure a grounded sense of purpose, direction and belonging. Religion, whichever form it might take must forever be at the core of the culture, sustained by and sustaining the arts. Corruption of religion by powers whose intentions are anything other than religious will have the most destructive of consequences for society in general. Within the EU bloc and further afield,. the result of this corruption has been a secularization and politicisation of the `Church` along with the creation of the `World Council of Churches`. As the American Ezra Pound once said, "There is no medieval description of hell which exceeds the inner filth of the mentalities of some of the ministers and prelates for whom every species of cruelty and villainy is condoned, even incited, if perpetrated under the banner of the universalist political objectives prescribed by the money power".
Ed Comment: I would exchange the word Religion with Spirituality. Religion is the core of mind control.
The Communitarian Supercapitalist Nexus:
Religion: There is no doubt in the mind of this writer that the most powerful source of resistance to the `illegitimate` power will be found in a people's religion. I will state quite clearly at this point that I myself am irreligious, and that is quite likely to be to my detriment in some ways. But I have, through recent close contact with Christians, Muslims and one Buddhist come to realise that through faith comes resilience, determination and strength. The central purpose of religion appears to be a means of giving to the individual a spiritual and intellectual base from which that individual can make relative all the stressors and influences he/she encounters and thereby secure a grounded sense of purpose, direction and belonging. Religion, whichever form it might take must forever be at the core of the culture, sustained by and sustaining the arts. Corruption of religion by powers whose intentions are anything other than religious will have the most destructive of consequences for society in general. Within the EU bloc and further afield,. the result of this corruption has been a secularization and politicisation of the `Church` along with the creation of the `World Council of Churches`. As the American Ezra Pound once said, "There is no medieval description of hell which exceeds the inner filth of the mentalities of some of the ministers and prelates for whom every species of cruelty and villainy is condoned, even incited, if perpetrated under the banner of the universalist political objectives prescribed by the money power".
Ed Comment: I would exchange the word Religion with Spirituality. Religion is the core of mind control.
The Communitarian Supercapitalist Nexus:
"The world is governed by very different persons to what is imagined by those who are not themselves behind the scene".Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister to Queen Victoria.
a cursory investigation of the forces shaping our current woeful
situation, creating a socio-political climate described by `Spengler` as
"Anarchy become a habit" would be incomplete, without a more informed
look at those two supposed `arch` opposites, Capitalism and Communism.
The key word here is Capitalism. This oft used word actually has two
very divergent meanings. In order to grasp why a Supranational `would
be` Federal State such as the EU, representing ostensibly capitalist
interests, would adopt social policies which are in almost every way
imaginable Communist, we must first understand the two meanings of this
word; Capitalist. Actually, we are speaking here of two words in affect;
1) Capitalism, meaning private ownership of property and resources and competitive free enterprise in the supply of goods and services.
2) Super-Capitalism, meaning a highly concentrated finance capitalism which is not only apart from capitalism, but it's antithesis and which sooner rather than later acquires the characteristic of being actively `anti-capitalist`.
It is not possible to continue to concentrate ownership and control of property and resources without simultaneously reducing the number who own and control said property and resources. Similarly, there can be no concentration of Corporate Ownership and control, without a corresponding inhibition and suppression of free enterprise. What has happened within the European Union is a progressive degeneration of Capitalism into a form of `Super Capitalism` or what should be more properly termed `Anti Capitalism` which resembles Capitalism less and less and Socialism or Communism more and more.
The bare minimum of `bona fide` capitalist values have been allowed to remain in order to confuse the picture and create difficulties for most people to identify that their traditional economic way of life has in fact been replaced by this new `Money Concentration`. Capitalism serves only as a means of camouflage for an all encompassing and omnipotent `Anti Capitalism` dominating both economics and politics. The modern `Supercapitalist` EU has more in common with the former Soviet Union than anyone not involved in this area of research would ever imagine to be the case. Yes, there are differences and opposing spheres of interest, but these become insignificant in comparison to what they have in common. Both are virulently antagonistic towards Nationalism and are therefore revolutionary in principal, setting themselves as they do in fierce opposition to Nationalist aspirations which are essentially evolutionary. Nationalism, a much maligned and misrepresented political credo is inseparably connected to a people's culture and traditions. This causes it to become the mortal enemy of the `Supranationalists` whose goal is the Superstate.
The reason that this `Supercapitalism` lives in eternal dread of Nationalism can be explained by examining the fundamental issue of whether there should in any state construct be an authority superior to economics. Which shall govern, politics or economics? Through ethical nationalism, in spite of it's inherited ailments, the will of the people is made vital, which causes politics to become the master over economics, which no matter how important it might be, is then relegated to it's morally natural subordinate status. Since there is no way that Communism, or more correctly in this the first decade of the 21st century, Communitarianism, can be resisted except by nationalism, it is of no surprise that the `Supercapitalists` have for the past fifty years and more been ruthlessly dedicated to destroying the nation state and severing from it the love and loyalty of the people.
The Communitarians understand that their only weapon against Nationalism is Marxist theory, and that in itself marshals all the forces of the underworld along with the `rootless` academics using them as a `siege gun` against any or all nationalist targets (see the murder of Austrian Politician, Jorg Haider).
Conclusion: The European Federal State will usher in a new age of Feudalism for the people of the old continent. The technological advances in recent years have enabled the `designers and planners` to construct a `Grid` around people's lives, using insidious database technology combined with despicable propaganda and pernicious surveillance of all and every aspect of a citizens life. Yet still, we the people do nothing. There are reported to be around 50,000 concentration camps already in place earmarked for EU dissidents ( The Military is still on the streets of Italy, and the Euro Gendarmerie is ready to be unleashed. During the 1930's, even though all the signs were there , people refused to recognise them. Are we going to once again fail to learn from our history.
Jean Monnet, the so called ` founding father of the EU did everything but paint us a picture when he wrote " Europe's nations should be guided towards the Superstate without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps, each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation ". (Letter to a friend 30th April 1952).
Now is a time for `Heroes`...and time is short.
This Age Of Confict - Ivor Benson (Free E-Book(
The Biggest Secret - David Icke
The Cruel Hoax - Henry Makow
Stop Common Purpose
Count Richard Nicolaus Coudenhove Kalergi Practical Idealism
1) Capitalism, meaning private ownership of property and resources and competitive free enterprise in the supply of goods and services.
2) Super-Capitalism, meaning a highly concentrated finance capitalism which is not only apart from capitalism, but it's antithesis and which sooner rather than later acquires the characteristic of being actively `anti-capitalist`.
It is not possible to continue to concentrate ownership and control of property and resources without simultaneously reducing the number who own and control said property and resources. Similarly, there can be no concentration of Corporate Ownership and control, without a corresponding inhibition and suppression of free enterprise. What has happened within the European Union is a progressive degeneration of Capitalism into a form of `Super Capitalism` or what should be more properly termed `Anti Capitalism` which resembles Capitalism less and less and Socialism or Communism more and more.
The bare minimum of `bona fide` capitalist values have been allowed to remain in order to confuse the picture and create difficulties for most people to identify that their traditional economic way of life has in fact been replaced by this new `Money Concentration`. Capitalism serves only as a means of camouflage for an all encompassing and omnipotent `Anti Capitalism` dominating both economics and politics. The modern `Supercapitalist` EU has more in common with the former Soviet Union than anyone not involved in this area of research would ever imagine to be the case. Yes, there are differences and opposing spheres of interest, but these become insignificant in comparison to what they have in common. Both are virulently antagonistic towards Nationalism and are therefore revolutionary in principal, setting themselves as they do in fierce opposition to Nationalist aspirations which are essentially evolutionary. Nationalism, a much maligned and misrepresented political credo is inseparably connected to a people's culture and traditions. This causes it to become the mortal enemy of the `Supranationalists` whose goal is the Superstate.
The reason that this `Supercapitalism` lives in eternal dread of Nationalism can be explained by examining the fundamental issue of whether there should in any state construct be an authority superior to economics. Which shall govern, politics or economics? Through ethical nationalism, in spite of it's inherited ailments, the will of the people is made vital, which causes politics to become the master over economics, which no matter how important it might be, is then relegated to it's morally natural subordinate status. Since there is no way that Communism, or more correctly in this the first decade of the 21st century, Communitarianism, can be resisted except by nationalism, it is of no surprise that the `Supercapitalists` have for the past fifty years and more been ruthlessly dedicated to destroying the nation state and severing from it the love and loyalty of the people.
The Communitarians understand that their only weapon against Nationalism is Marxist theory, and that in itself marshals all the forces of the underworld along with the `rootless` academics using them as a `siege gun` against any or all nationalist targets (see the murder of Austrian Politician, Jorg Haider).
Conclusion: The European Federal State will usher in a new age of Feudalism for the people of the old continent. The technological advances in recent years have enabled the `designers and planners` to construct a `Grid` around people's lives, using insidious database technology combined with despicable propaganda and pernicious surveillance of all and every aspect of a citizens life. Yet still, we the people do nothing. There are reported to be around 50,000 concentration camps already in place earmarked for EU dissidents ( The Military is still on the streets of Italy, and the Euro Gendarmerie is ready to be unleashed. During the 1930's, even though all the signs were there , people refused to recognise them. Are we going to once again fail to learn from our history.
Jean Monnet, the so called ` founding father of the EU did everything but paint us a picture when he wrote " Europe's nations should be guided towards the Superstate without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps, each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation ". (Letter to a friend 30th April 1952).
Now is a time for `Heroes`...and time is short.
This Age Of Confict - Ivor Benson (Free E-Book(
The Biggest Secret - David Icke
The Cruel Hoax - Henry Makow
Stop Common Purpose
Count Richard Nicolaus Coudenhove Kalergi Practical Idealism
" The Matrix is a system, and that system is our enemy. When you are inside it, you look around and what do you see? Businessmen, Teachers, Lawyers, Carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are part of that system and that makes them our enemies. You have to understand that most of these people are not ready to be `unplugged`. And many are so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to defend it ".Article from: The EU Communitarian Agenda And The New Feudalists